Special Judge Vinay Kumar Khanna absolved Dr O P Jain, the then medical superintendent of G B Pant Hospital here, Consolidated Products Corporation Pvt Ltd and its director Sunil Saigal of the charges of cheating, criminal conspiracy under the IPC and provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act in the 20-year-old case.
"This court finds that the prosecution has failed to establish that the accused had cheated the government exchequer or had entered into any conspiracy. It has not been established that they had caused any wrongful gain to themselves or defrauded the government," the judge said.
It said the prosecution has not been able to prove that Jain had adopted illegal means or abused his official position by dishonestly showing favour to the firm and its director.
CBI had lodged a case in July 1997 alleging that Jain, who was the medical superintendent of the hospital from 1988- 1990, and store officer P K Banerjee, who has died, had conspired with Saigal to cheat the institution.
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The two public servants dishonestly issued documents to purchase medical equipments from foreign suppliers to cause pecuniary advantage to Saigal and the firm, which imported huge quantities of medical equipments at exorbitant rates, the agency alleged.
During the trial, Jain claimed he had not committed any irregularity or discrepancy in making purchases for the hospital and that during his tenure, he followed all rules and regulations as prescribed by Delhi Government.