Special CBI Judge S C Rajan granted one month interim bail to M Logapathy, an IRS officer of 2008 batch, on health ground on a personal bond of Rs one lakh with a surety of the like amount.
"Considering the report submitted by medical officer and in view of the submissions of counsel, the applicant/accused M Logapathy is admitted to interim bail for a period of one month on furnishing personal bond in a sum of Rs one lakh with one surety of the like amount," the court said.
His counsel argued that two co-accused have already been granted interim bail on medical ground and health condition of Logapathy, who was suffering from serious liver ailment, was deteriorating as he was not getting proper treatment in jail.
The defence counsel also said that daughter of the accused had suffered serious head injuries and Logapathy was required to look after her.
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He also contended that the accused be released on interim bail as he was required to get proper treatment outside the jail for his ailment.
The judge granted interim bail to Logapathy and directed him to surrender either before the court or directly to jail superintendent after expiry of the bail period.