Police have registered a case against Paazee directors, charging them of defrauding the investors to the tune of over Rs 800 crore in 2009, which was handed over to the Economic Offences Wing, when Pramod Kumar was the Inspector General of Police of West Zone.
The case was later transferred to CBI on the direction of Madras High Court, along with an abduction case of a woman director of the company in 2011, against a DSP, two inspectors and a constable.
As the official approached Supreme Court saying the case was shifted to CBI without hearing him, the apex court in March gave directive in his favour and the initial proceeding of the transfer of the case was nullified, police said.
Based on the directive, CBI Court special judge N Muralidharan here closed the charges framed against Pramod Kumar on Monday, making him free of charge, they said.