Besides Gupta, Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar also ordered framing of charges against two senior public servants, K S Kropha and K C Samria, M/s Navbharat Power Pvt Ltd (NPPL), now known as Brahmani Thermal Power Pvt Ltd (BTPPL), its chairman P Trivikrama Prasad and vice chairman Y Harish Chandra Prasad.
The case pertains to alleged irregularities in allocation of Rampia and dip side of Rampia coal block in Odisha to NPPL.
"It is prima facie clear that the false claims or the misrepresentations had the effect of deceiving Screening Committee and thereby MoC, Government of India so as to induce it to allocate a coal block in favour of company NPPL. In fact prima facie it is also clear that Ministry of Power would not have made any recommendation in favour of NPPL to MOC if no such false claim as regard its net-worth or land would have been made," the court said.
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The court fixed October 21 for formally framing of charges against the accused.
The court had on August 19 last year granted bail to the accused after they appeared before it in pursuance to summons.
CBI, in its charge sheet, had alleged that the accused had misrepresented facts, including inflated net worth, to bag the coal block.
Trivikrama Prasad and Y Harish Chandra Prasad for the alleged offences of criminal conspiracy and cheating under IPC and had said in its final report that no offence was found to be committed by the public servants.
However, the court on November 12, 2014 disagreed with the conclusion drawn by CBI regarding the role of public servants and had observed that acts of Gupta, Kropha and Samria in overlooking alleged misrepresentation by NPPL for acquiring the coal block, prima facie, amounted to criminal misconduct.
It had noted that it was prima facie clear that the decision to allocate coal block to NPPL was taken by the MoC officers and screening committee without keeping public interest in mind.
The competent authority had accorded sanction to prosecute Kropha and Samria under the anti-graft law.
The court, while summoning these accused, had said that Gupta had also allegedly committed offence under section 409 of IPC read with section 13(1)(c) of PC Act and since he has retired, there was no bar in taking cognisance against him under the anti-graft law.