While ordering Delhi police commissioner to launch a vigilance probe against the police officials, Additional Sessions Judge Surinder S Rathi also ticked off the court of chief metropolitan magistrate for accepting the closure report without notifying the NRI and hearing him.
"The failure on the part of the CMM to issue notice to the complainant is grossly illegal and erroneous," the ASJ said adding that the CMM's order "grossly infringed the crucial fundamental statutory right of a senior citizen."
The three police officials against whom the vigilance probe was ordered to be launched included Paharganj ACP Raja Ram Yadav, Desh Bandhu Gupta Raod police station's house officer (SHO), Inspector Jagbir Singh and Sub Inspector-cum-IO Prakash Roy who probed the cheating case, lodged by US-based NRI Raghbir Singh, claiming that he had been cheated of Rs 80 lakh in garb of a property transaction.
Indicting the police officials for "concealing facts of the case from two different magisterial courts for apparent ulterior reasons and odious motives," the court termed their conduct as "vitriolic."
"Let a copy of the order be sent to CP, Delhi who shall direct Special CP (Vigilance) to undertake a detailed fact finding inquiry, followed by detailed departmental inquiry, if necessary, qua the vitriolic conduct the police officials," the court said.
It also asked for the action-taken report from the city police chief within a week. (MORE) PTI AKI RKS RAX