Special Judge Ramesh Kumar rejected the woman's revision petition against a lower court order dismissing her complaint against her husband and in-laws, saying the matter cannot be adjourned indefinitely as there was already a four-month delay on her part in filing the plea.
"In the present matter, impugned order was dated October 12, 2015 and revision petition was filed on May 14, 2016.
"So, the revision petition is barred by limitation, as there is considerable delay of about four months in filing the present revision petition. Further, the complainant was not vigilant to pursue her own case. It is the duty of the complainant to be vigilant about his/her case and matter cannot be adjourned for indefinite period," the judge said.
In her revision plea, the woman had claimed that she did not appear on three occasions before the magisterial court as her counsel did not inform her about the hearing dates and one day she was unwell.
In her domestic violence complaint, she had alleged that soon after her marriage in 1991 in Bihar, she was mentally and physically tortured for bringing inadequate dowry.