The legislator's bail plea was rejected by Additional Sessions Judge Sanjeev Shrivastava after which he was produced in the Chief Judicial Magistrate's (CJM) Ramji Gupta's court which ordered that he be sent to jail until August 28.
Shrivastava (52) was booked on August 22 last year, two days after he and four of his supporters allegedly abducted and assaulted up a panchayat officer.
On July 3, 2015, CJM had issued arrest warrant against Shrivastava who evaded police for nearly a year.
The police produced him before court where CJM who ordered that he be sent to judicial custody for a week.
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The MLA's two accomplices, BJP district vice president Anil Jain and Kripal Singh are still absconding.
Along with the legislator, they had kidnapped and assaulted Janpad Panchayat Chief Executive Officer Udayraj Singh in August 2014.
Two other accused in the case, Dipak Shrivastava and Maniram Tiwari were arrested and are out on granted bail.