Additional District Judge Ajay Goel passed the stay order a week after he directed the attachment and auctioning of the NDMC Commissioner's office property to realise the amount of over Rs 1.68 lakh to be paid to contractor Rajesh Gupta.
The order was stayed after the North Delhi Municipal Corporation approached the court saying it had made the payment.
"Attachment order stayed till the next date. Warrant of attachment be recalled unexecuted," the judge said, adding that in the meantime, the civic agency's claim of full payment be confirmed from the contractor.
Gupta had approached the court saying the civic agency had not paid his dues and is avoiding payment despite an order by another court in 2011.
The contractor told the court that he was awarded the work of construction of 'Jan Suvidha' complexes in northwest Delhi pursuant to tenders floated by then Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
The court had earlier ordered attachment of bank account of an executive engineer, but the warrant was received back with a "strange report" (as quoted by the judge) that only Rs 57 was outstanding in the engineer's account.