Sreekumar, who retired as the Director General of Gujarat Police, had on November 19 also named BJP's spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi and Nambi Narayanan, a retired scientist of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), as accused in his complaint.
During the hearing today, Metropolitan Magistrate Akash Jain posted it for November 26 after advocate Vijay Aggarwal, who appeared for Narayanan, said Sreekumar's petition is misguiding the court and it is based on "falsity".
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"The court is being misguided. They (Sreekumar) are quoting false provisions of law. Offence of perjury has been committed," Aggarwal claimed in the court.
He also said he has come to know about the defamation case through the media reports as Sreekumar had openly told the scribes about it.
"They (Sreekumar) are stating incorrect laws to the court and that is why it is perjury," he said.
The court, however, told him that it would go through the facts mentioned in the complaint.
"Let me first go through what are the facts in the complaint," the magistrate said.
Advocate Brijesh Kalappa, who appeared for Sreekumar, told the court that his client is the complainant and the court should first hear him.
To this, Aggarwal said the court cannot proceed with the matter or pass any order without hearing him.
The magistrate said "I am not saying that I will not hear you (Aggarwal).