Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Daya Prakash said that he would hear the arguments on April 29 on the revision petition filed by the police in the matter in which a charge sheet was filed against AAP member Shazia Ilmi.
The police had filed the charge sheet against her before Metropolitan Magistrate (MM) Ashok Kumar alleging that on August 1, last year, about 300-400 protestors, under the leadership of Ilmi, were staging protest near India Gate here and she was "instigating" them to proceed towards the Prime Minister's residence without having valid permission from the authorities.
The police alleged that the protestors started running towards the PM house, causing obstruction to traffic movement and also creating a law and order problem.
The magistrate, however, had refused to take cognisance of the charge sheet filed for the offences punishable under various provisions of the IPC, including sections 145 (joining or continuing in unlawful assembly), 146 (rioting), 186 (obstructing public servant in discharge of public function) and others.