The total number of coronaviruscases in Indore went up to 544 after 117 new cases were reported from the Madhya Pradesh city on Wednesday, an official said.Till late Tuesday night, the state's industrial hub reported 427 COVID-19 cases."A report from a Delhi-based laboratory has found 117 more people of Indore infected with the coronavirus. Now, the number of COVID-19 cases in the city has gone up to 544. Of these, 37 patients have so far died during treatment," Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO) Praveen Jadia said.An analysis of the data shows that till Wednesday morning, the death rate of COVID-19 patients in the city was around 6.8 per cent, higher than the national average."Most of the new patients from Indore are either relatives or close acquaintances of people who earlier tested positive for coronavirus. All those who came in contact with these patients have already been isolated as a precaution," Jadia said.So far, 37 people have been discharged after recovery, he said.The local administration has imposed curfew in urban limits since March 25 after the first coronavirus patients were found in the city.