The Maharashtra government onTuesday said there would be a 60 per cent cut in this month's salaries of public representatives in the state, including the chief minister, in view of coronavirus affecting the economy.Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, who is also the state finance minister, said the decision has been taken after consultation with Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and various unions of employees.In an official statement, Pawar announced a 60 per cent cut in the March salaries of the chief minister, all other ministers, MLAs, MLCs and representatives of local governing bodies."The salaries of Class I and II will be cut by 50 per cent while that of Class III employees will be cut by 25 per cent. There will be no cut in the salaries of remaining classes in the state bureaucracy," he said.The decision has been taken after a detailed deliberation with various unions of employees, he said."I hope the public representatives will cooperate with the state finance department as a strong financial support is required for the state in this ongoing fight against coronavirus," he said.Pawar said the state's economy has been affected due to the coronavirus crisis and reduction of resources following the lockdown.