With over 400 people testingpositive for coronavirus in Maharashtra, the state government has now taken the fight against the pandemic online, by launching a COVID-19 self-assessment tool.The government has created a digital platform, wherein citizens can assess their symptoms from the comfort of their homes and later contact authorities if they have any doubts about their condition, an official release stated.The state government has collaborated with Apollo 24x7 and launched an online tool, which is available at https://covid-19.maharashtra.gov.in/, to help people assess their symptoms at home.Immediate medical advice and other relevant contact information are also available on this link, the official release said.As per the guidelines issued by the WHO and Government of India, persons experiencing mild symptoms associated with coronavirus infection are required to self-quarantine or report to a hospital if their condition worsens.The online self-assessment tool allows the authorities to have a real-time dashboard and helps them keep track of people with strong coronavirus symptoms who have used the tool, the release stated.Apart from this, the platform also has dos and don'ts, helpline numbers and other information about the pandemic.The authorities also plan to upgrade the tool with a facility to avail healthcare advice over phone or video calls from doctors, it was stated.