The condition of a 45-year-oldman who tested positive for novel coronavirus infection in Nagpur is stable, while 15 people who came in contact with him are under observation, divisional commissioner Sanjiv Kumar said on Thursday.From Friday, passengers who have travel history to Italy, Germany, China, France, Spain, Iran and South Korea will be placed under quarantine upon arrival at the Nagpur airport, whether they show any symptoms of the disease or not, he added.The condition of the man who tested positive for COVID-19 after returning from the United States on March 6 was "stable", he said.At least 15 people, who were in close contact with him, were contacted, and they are now under observation at the Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) here.Their swab samples have been sent for testing and the reports were expected by evening, Kumar said.Efforts are also being made, with the help of the Airports Authority of India, to trace the persons who traveled with the coronavirus patient by the same flight and were sitting near him during the journey, he said.A control room has been set up here, where people who suspect they have symptoms of the coronavirus can contact. District health officials will visit them at home and collect their swab samples, he said.Passengers who have been to Italy, Germany, China, France, Spain, Iran and South Korea after February 15 will be placed under "compulsory quarantine" upon their arrival at the Nagpur airport, whether they have any symptoms of the disease or not, Kumar said.As many as 604 travelers have been screened at the airport since February 15, he informed.