COVID-19 cases continued to surge inTamil Nadu as the state on Wednesday recorded a new all-time single day high of 771 additions, a big chunk linked to the hotspot of Koyambedu market here, and two fresh deaths, taking the total number of infections to 4,829, authorities said.The toll due to the disease rose to 35.While there are a number of children below ten years of age among the freshly infected, as many as 324 were from the state capital, whose tally rose to 2,328 cases, a health department bulletin said.A 68-year old man with co-morbid conditions admitted to the Stanley Medical College Hospital and a 59-year old man treated at the Kilpauk hospital died of the contagion on Tuesday, it said.The trend of high number of fresh cases seen in the last couple of days continued and there are 3,275 active cases as on date.