The CPI and the AAP staged a walkout from the Rajya Sabha Wednesday when the voting on the bill to give 10 per cent reservation to the general category poor was taken up in the House.
CPI leader D Raja said the party walked out in protest when the voting process started.
As soon as the bill was introduced in the House, DMK member Kanomozhi demanded sending the bill to a select committee for further scrutiny. Her demand was supported by members of several parties, including Raja.
The motion was rejected, following which the CPI and the AAP walked out of the House.
The CPI has two MPs, while the AAP has three in the Upper House of Parliament.
The Rajya Sabha passed the Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Fourth Amendment) Bill, 2019 Wednesday, with 165 voting in favour and seven against.
The Modi government termed the landmark move as 'slog over sixes'.