A resolution passed by CPI during its 22nd Congress, which is being held in Puducherry, said the party takes "serious" note of the role played by social media including Facebook and Twitter in public life to spread ideas, information, rumours and to discuss various emerging issues.
"Even political parties officials and political leaders are more or less effectively using these forms of social media to serve their purpose.
"So, while electronic and print media are ignoring our party, the social media can be effectively used by as to disseminate information about our activity as well as our ideology," the party said in a statement.
In another resolution, the party noted that as the country's Constitution guarantees freedom of expression and speech, the voice of dissent is to be protected to strengthen democracy.
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It said recently Supreme Court has squashed 66(A) IT Act, as it infringes on this very important democratic right of freedom of expression and speech.
"However, Sangh Parivar and its outfits do not respect this freedom and consider it as a hindrance to their pet project of Hindutava state.
"Media persons and journalists including women journalist are threatened and attacked. The state under the control of BJP is deliberately not taking action against these anti-constitutional and anti-democratic activities of Sangh Parivar," it said.
The Party Congress also appealed to all its party members to come out in defence of freedom of expression and speech and defend the constitutional rights to protect democracy by showing solidarity with writers, journalists and artists.