Senior CPI leaders D Raja and party's state secretary M Nara Singh met Home Minister Rajnath Singh here and presented a memorandum, saying a "serious situation" was arising in the state due to the "unrest in the Manipuri society (which was) affecting social, economic, cultural and political life of Manipuri people."
Noting that the state assembly had adopted resolution on the introduction of ILP system in Manipur twice in 2012 and 2013, they said demographic imbalance was "growing" fast, with almost one-fourth of the population comprising outsiders.
ILP is an official travel document issued by the Centre to allow entry of an Indian citizen into a restricted area for a limited period. It is obligatory for Indian citizens from outside the protected parts of a states to obtain ILP for entry.
It said a popular movement was "gaining momentum" in Manipur demanding introduction of the ILP system and urged the Centre to find an amicable solution at an early date.