While Opposition leader V S Achutanandan said in the Assembly that the Public Works Department was showing 'favouritism' to ruling MLAs in allocating funds, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy rebutted it, stating that the Opposition members had received a fair share in fund allocation compared to ruling members.
Achuthanandan pointed that ruling and opposition members are equal in a democratic government and the latter are also entitled to get due share in the allocation of funds for development projects.
"In a democratic set up, the ruling and opposition are equal and they share the same rights. The elected government has the moral responsibility to consider all 141 members in the House as equals. But the Chandy government is showing double standards," he alleged.
"The Public Works Department has showed no bias in issuing funds," he said, adding whether it was in the case of setting up of government colleges or Ayurveda and homeo dispensaries or Karunya Belevolent fund, the fund was issued without taking into consideration whether it was the constituency of an Opposition or ruling MLA.
Public Works Minister V K Ebrahim Kunju said equal importance was given to ruling and opposition MLAs in fund allocation.
Though Chittayam Gopakumar of CPI sought permission to move an adjournment motion in this regard, Speaker N Sakthan denied it following reply of Chief Minister and PWD Minister.