The party's official page on Facebook with over 52,000 likes is growing since it started two years back, said functionary Prabir Purkayastha, who takes care of IT and social media-related activities of the party, after presenting a resolution on protecting 'net neutrality' at the 21st Congress of the CPI(M) here today.
However, Purkaystha said his party does not believe in inorganic 'reach' growth on social media network.
"Unlike BJP and other parties, we do not intend to grow artificially. We have no intention of hiring an advertising agency and promoting our Facebook page or by other inorganic means to reach people in social media," Purkayastha told PTI.
The official twitter account of CPI(M) has over 7,000 followers.
Purkayastha said there are so many young people in CPI(M) using social media and the party is trying to see that it can reach out to them through this platform.
"Social media is so dynamic. The growth or reach we want has to be organic," he said.