A resolution adopted at the party's organisational Plenum said, "To employ flexible tactics to deal with swift changes that may occur in the political situation in accordance with our Political-Tactical Line. To set up joint platforms with various social movements, people's mobilisations and issue-based movements."
The party called for approaching sections of the exploited classes who were currently under the influence of bourgeois parties.
"To effectively implement united front tactics to discharge the dual tasks of unity and struggle by developing joint movements, enabling us to approach sections of the exploited classes who currently are under the influence of bourgeois parties," it stated.
The CPI(M) also called for forging class and mass struggles on economic and social issues to widen the party's influence and to rally the Left and democratic forces.
"We should be making special efforts to attract youth to the party. We should walk forward towards a revolutionary party with a mass line," the report said.