Stating this while addressing party workers here today, the party's central executive committee member Joginder Dayal alleged that the country had never faced the danger of social disintegration and "economic loot" by MNCs and local corporates as it was currently facing under the BJP's rule.
He strongly criticised forcible conversions in the name of "homecoming" in several parts of country allegedly at the behest of RSS.
"This is against the basic tenets of our constitution of independence of each individual of professing the faith he or she believes in. Failure to fulfill people's demands does not mean that the ruling party should indulge in such dangerous gimmicks," he said.
During election campaign, the BJP had promised to implement the Swaminathan Commission report on agriculture.
"But now they have come out with ordinance nullifying the amendments in the Land Acquisition Act in 2013. This will adversely affect the farmers control on their land," he said.