Sleuths of Special Operation Team of Cyberabad, on reliable information, conducted raids at two houses in Vanasthalipuram and apprehended the cricket betting gang consisting of Nagam Ravi Kumar, Neelapala Naresh, D Sai Kumar, G Srikanth Goud and V Sravan Reddy, police said.
Police also seized one laptop, 11 mobile phones, one car and Rs 1,04,500 from the accused.
One of the accused Naresh, who is running gambling and cricket betting in and around Vansastalipuram area, is a mediator of cricket betting and collects money from punters, a release from Cyberabad Police said.
Based on confession of Naresh and others, police raided another house and arrested Ravi Kumar and during his interrogation, he reportedly admitted to running cricket betting since five years and used to collect the amount from mediators Naresh and others through Srinu, police said.
The collected betting amount was sent to main bookie Ganesh of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Efforts are being continued to trace other bookies namely Sachin, Harish, Ganesh, Chandra, Srinu and Ghouse, police added.