"Apart from poverty and helplessness, crime against women occur due to a number of factors like patriarchal mindset of the society, absence of stringent laws, delay in completion of trials, low conviction rate etc," the Minister said in a written reply to Rajya Sabha.
Gandhi further said that her ministry is endeavoring to put in place effective mechanisms to provide safe environment for women to encourage them to work, live fearlessly and reach their potential.
To eliminate this menace, the Government is putting in place a number of legislative and administrative measures like amending the criminal law, enacting women specific legislations, reforms in police and judicial procedures, besides creating awareness, the Minister said.
According to the data of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Uttar Pradesh has registered highest number of cases of violence on women by recording 32,546 cases followed by Andhra Pradesh (32,809), West Bengal (29,826), Rajasthan (27,933), Maharashtra (24,895) and Madhya Pradesh (22,061).