The scrip gained 5.38 per cent to end at Rs 165.45 on BSE. Intra-day it touched a 52-week high of Rs 175.70.
Similar movement was seen on NSE with the stock surging 5.6 per cent to settle at Rs 165.80. During the day, the scrip touched Rs 179.90, its 52-week high.
In terms of volume, 2.72 lakh shares were traded on BSE and over 45 lakh shares changed hands on NSE.
The company had posted a net loss of Rs 0.07 crore for the corresponding quarter a year ago, Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd had said in a BSE filing.
CGCEL's standalone net sales during the period under review stood at Rs 1,120.84 crore.
The company was listed on BSE in May this year after being demerged from the parent firm Crompton Greaves.