As part of the agreement, Cross-Tab would be operating as the strategic outsourcing partner for Kantar Group in India for a period of four years.
"The deal which has been bagged by Cross-Tab after countering stiff local and global competition is one of the largest deals in terms of scale and value signed in the international market research and KPO industry in the last 10 years," Cross-Tab Group said in a statement.
As a part of deal, Cross-Tab group will launch dedicated services, innovation and incubation facility exclusively for Kantar at Airoli, Navi Mumbai which will provide a range of services including testing new technologies and methodologies and developing technology based solutions for automation and value addition.
"We have made significant investments in enhancing our global delivery capabilities in India and selecting the right strategic partner for the future was an important component," Sharon Potter, Chief Officer (Global Operations) Kantar said.
With this deal, while Kantar would be outsourcing certain processes to Cross-Tab, it will also have access to Cross-Tab Group's ongoing technology and process innovations.
"This is a significant milestone in Cross-Tab's 15-year growth story in the international Research and Analytics industry," Cross-Tab Group President Ashwin Mittal said.