The sequel to Ang Lee-directed 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' will be released simultaneously in select IMAX theaters and on Netflix on August 28, 2015, reported Ace Showbiz.
The upcoming movie starring Michelle Yeoh is said to be one of "several" major films that will be released in this manner.
"Fans will have unprecedented choice in how they enjoy an amazing and memorable film that combines intense action and incredible beauty," said Ted Sarandos, chief content officer at Netflix.
The sequel is directed by Yuen Wo-Ping, the director of 'Tai Chi Master' and martial arts choreographer for the 'Matrix' trilogy and 'Kill Bill'.
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'Glee' star Harry Shum Jr, Jason Scott Lee, Roger Yuan, Eugenia Yuan and newcomer Natasha Liu Bordizzo are also among the cast. Filming is currently underway in New Zealand.