The accused jawan, Narendra Tiwary, who was posted at Motihari in Bihar, was on a visit to Singra temple in Medininagar along with his friend, said Deputy Superintendent of Police Prabhat Ranjan Burwar.
A group of around five youths, where were already present at the temple, allegedly tried to eve tease Tiwary's girl friend, which led to an altercation, the DSP said.
Later, an enraged Tiwary stabbed the victim, Madhu Kumar Shukla, with a knife in the vicinity of the temple injuring him fatally, he said adding Tiwary fled the spot after committing the crime.
Tiwary was arrested later on, Burwar said.
Meanwhile, the villagers put up road block in protesting the killing of Shukla demanding adequate compensation for his family.