Crude oil prices on Friday rose by Rs 16 to Rs 3,646 per barrel as speculators widened positions tracking firm trend overseas.
Analysts said raising of bets by participants kept crude prices higher in futures trade here.
On the Multi Commodity Exchange, crude oil for delivery in February traded higher by Rs 16, or 0.44 per cent, to Rs 3,646 per barrel in 36,448 lots.
Crude oil for March delivery was up by Rs 17, or 0.46 per cent, at Rs 3,675 per barrel with an open interest of 1,452 lots.
Globally, West Texas Intermediate was trading higher by 0.18 per cent at USD 51.04 per barrel.
Meanwhile, Brent crude, the international benchmark, edged up 0.36 per cent to USD 55.13 per barrel in New York.