AAP leader Ashutosh also questioned the veracity of the medico-legal case (MLC) report of Delhi's Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash and said attempts are being made to destabilise the Arvind Kejriwal-led government by using the alleged attack as a pretext.
The party also named a few officials of the Delhi government, who were allegedly involved in an attack on Hussain and Khetan.
"The Delhi Police arrested our MLAs only on the compliant of the chief secretary, who did not have any evidence. We have a video footage of the attack on Imran Hussain and Ashish Khetan, yet there is no action on their complaints. The Lt Governor is acting as an agent of the BJP and his loyalty is not towards the Constitution," Ashutosh told reporters.
Ashutosh said Prakash's MLC report states that the attack on him took place after 12:00 PM, while in the CCTV footage, he is seen walking out of the chief minister's residence at 11:30 PM.
"Why do the LG, the Delhi Police, the Centre have double standards? The law is equal to every citizen. So, why no action has been taken against the chief secretary for using casteist remarks against our Dalit MLAs," senior AAP leader and party MP Sanjay Singh said.