Rao, who unsuccessfully contested against Malhotra for the post of Archery Association of India (AAI) president recently, said that Quraishi's resignation as the head of the three-member IOA election committee has once again exposed "unprincipled leadership" of the country's apex sports body.
"IOA has accepted, according to Quraishi, Sports Code to conduct elections. In fact, Independent Election Commission had written on 5th November 2012 to IOA acting president Mr V K Malhotra on how they will follow IOA Constitution and Sports Code in conducting the ensuing IOA election," Rao said in a statement.
"Then what has changed so soon? Perhaps he (Malhotra) won election as President of Archery Association of India on 9th November 2012 as it affects him personally with his unprecedented tenure of 40 years violating age and tenure rules of Sports Code.
"But Malhotra had rejected IOC ideas and principle when it does not suit him. Recently he objected to IOC's plan to send its observers to oversee the IOA elections. Why does he not want observers from IOC? Because it does not suit his plans to get some unprincipled people with questionable integrity to lead IOA. This kind of unprincipled leadership of IOA is destroying the Indian sports," said Rao, vice president of the Assam Archery unit. More