Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, while taking salute at the 50th Raising Day celebrations of the force here, complimented the troops for ensuring effective curb on this cross-border menace, and added that the respect for the troops of this historic force has grown in the entire country for accomplishing this task.
"The steps you took to stop cattle smuggling along the India-Bangladesh border have brought a sharp decline in (the instances of) cattle-smuggling and your respect has grown in entire India (due to this)...From April this year till now, these instances have come down by 70 per cent. I am assured that this force will be successful in curbing cattle smuggling hundred per cent," he said.
It was the same occasion last year here when the Home Minister had asked the personnel and officers of this largest border guarding force of the country to mount effective vigil and stop cattle-smuggling instances which have become rampant along this frontier.
The minister early this year addressed the troops of the force at a border camp in South Bengal frontier and not only complimented them for checking animal smuggling but reiterated that these efforts need to be more effective.
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While assuring the troops of this 2.5-lakh personnel strong force, Singh said the government will ensure that they are provided with a clean working environment and required resources.
"Like the Great Wall of China, you (BSF) are the first line of active defence for India along with other border guarding forces," he said.
The Union minister said he was happy to see that more and more women were getting representation to serve in combat duties in the force.
He said the BSF and other security forces need to deploy modern techniques in their strategies to make themselves professional in the face of the threat of terrorism and internal and external security challenges as the entire world and India remain affected by these concerns.