"It is incorrect," Raja told Special CBI Judge O P Saini after special public prosecutor U U Lalit questioned him that "this decision (to change cut-off date) of yours was taken to favour Unitech applications in particular."
This assumes significance as the CBI had alleged in its charge sheet that in order to favour Unitech and Swan Telecom, Raja unilaterally advanced the cut-off date for accepting the applications for grant of 2G licences and ignored various authorities including Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the Law Ministry and the Prime Minister's Office.
"The decision taken by you to change the cut-off date to September 25, 2007 was without any reason on the file or coming from any of the papers appended to the file?," Lalit contended.
Responding to this, Raja said, "It is incorrect."
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The CBI, in its charge sheet filed on April 2, 2011, had alleged that, "The investigation has revealed that even though this cut-off date of October 1 had been announced, accused Raja, in conspiracy with other accused, had already taken a view to keep the cut-off date as September 25."
Raja and others, including Unitech Ltd MD Sanjay Chandra, are facing trial in the case. Unitech Wireless(Tamil Nadu) Pvt Ltd is also one of the three companies accused in the case.