The husband Radhakant Pradhan, detained since the discovery of her body on Tuesday, was arrested on murder charges after prima facie his involvement was clear in the death of wife Sabita Patra, police said.
"Investigations by forensic experts and police so far have prima facie established the involvement of the husband in the murder of the woman", twin city police Commissioner R P Sharma said.
It was suspected the husband had killed the woman and in an attempt to conceal the evidence dumped the body in the septic tank.
Meanwhile, a fresh FIR filed by the relatives of victim on Thursday have alleged that Sabita was raped before she was murdered and there are more persons involved in this incident. Police however, refused to make any comments about it saying they are waiting for the autopsy report.
Police fished out the body of Sabita from the tank on Tuesday, more than nine days after she was reported to have gone missing. Incidentally, Sabita's brother had earlier complained about the dowry torture and had told the police that the whereabouts of his sister are not known since November 22.