Akhilesh Kumar, Yashpal and Ranveer Singh were arrested in connection with the loot of one Harish Patel, a goldsmith of Ahemdabad, Gujarat, on August 22 while he was going to Delhi by car with money collected from different persons who had purchased various articles on credit.
"Rs 19.61 lakh cash, papers worth 15 lakh related to a land deal, new Scorpio purchased by spending 10.5 lakh, Scorpio used during dacoity, one country-made pistol and four live cartridges have been recovered from the possession of the three persons allegedly involved in the dacoity," SSP Dr. Rakesh Singh said.
The accused have also disclosed the names of their eight other associates, who are absconding," Singh said.
The police team has been rewarded with 10,000 and they have also been recommended reward from DIG and IG of the zone.