A large gathering of Tibetans, foreignersand Indians were present at the temple to mark his birthday.
"Every Tibetan should not only pay heed to His Holiness' precious advice but also channel it into action. Now that the dust has settled, let us take a moment to look forward to our future with a renewed sense of conviction, purpose and action," Home Minister (Kalon) Sonam Topgyal Khorlatsang said.
Both the Kashag (cabinet) and the Tibetan Parliament in exile in their statement extended their gratitude to India and its people for their hospitality and support towards the Tibetan people.
A Hindi version of the comic book 'Dalai Lama: Soldier of Peace' by Vijay Kranti and a book (in Chinese) on the life of former political prisoner Lobsang Tenzin was also launched at the event.
The Dalai Lama, who is currently in Mundgod, celebrated his birthday at the Drepung Monastery today. He is scheduled to give a teaching on July 13 in Rewalsar (Tso Pema).