The deceased girl's father, Mukesh Ahirwar, has lodged a complaint at the Baldevgarh police station alleging that his daughter Bhavna died after she was vaccinated by nurse Usha Ahirwar at Bamohari village's anganwadi centre yesterday.
However, District Vaccination Officer P K Jain said that Bhavna didn't died due to vaccination since eight more babies of the same village had been injected with vaccines from the same batch.
Jain said that a post-mortem report had revealed that she died because milk blocked her respiratory tract when she was being fed.
Parihar said that police is investigating the complaint threadbare.
Incidentally, children upto two years of age are being immunised with pentavalent vaccine against preventable diseases like diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis B under the central government-run Mission Indradhanush in Madhya Pradesh.