Speaking on behalf of Karnawat, another Dalit IAS officer Ramesh Thete said state Finance Minister Jayant Malaiya was in continuous touch with him after Karnawat sat on 'maun vrat' (observe silence) from January 29 and had decided to take 'jal samadhi', pressing for her demand of reinstating her and higher wages during the suspension period.
Notably, the Madhya Pradesh cabinet will for the first time meet in a boat in Narmada river at Khandwa on February 2.
She has decided not to go for 'jal samadhi' as the government was positive in its response to her demands, Thete said.
Time has come to reinstate Karnawat as the MP High Court has admitted a petition challenging her conviction, he said.
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Karnawat, was sentenced to five years jail by Mandla district court in 2013 in a corruption case and is under suspension since then.
Thete and Karnawat have opened a front against MP government for over a fortnight now alleging that it was prompt in taking action against Dalit officers while ignoring similar cases of misconduct involving officers from upper castes.
Thete had also taken part in a dharna (sit-in) organised by Dalit Adivasi Forum (DAF) on January 11 here to protest against the alleged discrimination against Dalit and tribal bureaucrats.