Senthamizhselvi (19), who married Vimalraj (27), gave a complaint to Superintendent of Police G Dharmarajan at his office here, saying her parents and some casteist outfits were against their wedding.
Meanwhile, the girl's father filed a complaint in Jeyankondam town alleging that his daughter had been abducted.
The girl, however, said she was never abducted and she married Vimalraj wilfully and sought protection to them from those against their marriage.
The development came barely two days after Dalit youth E Illavarasan, who was found dead near a railway track after his wife Divya said she would not go back to him, was laid to rest in his native village in Dharmapuri District.
After the girl's father committed suicide upset over their marriage, three Dalit colonies came under mob fury in November last year when more than 250 houses were ransacked, which evoked national outrage.
Illavarasan was found dead on July 4, a day after Divya said she would prefer to stay with her mother. The youth's death triggered tension in his native village in Dharmapuri district with his parents and community leaders suspecting foul play.