The iconic '90s show has been revived in "The X-Files: Even Series" with both David Duchovny as Fox Mulder and Anderson reprising their roles.
"I think she's probably one of the first feminist icons from television, but very different, I think, than some of the other characters I've played more recently just in terms of their outward attention to that very topic. But, yes, I would say she would be," Anderson said in a statement.
The' X-Files: Event Series', which will premiere in India on Saturday, January 30th at 9 PM on Star World Premiere HD, will see the two agents investigating more strange and unexplained cases involving paranormal phenomena.
When asked what she was looking forward to most about returning to "The X-Files", Anderson said, "I think I was mostly looking forward to working with David. We've become friends over the years in the interim, and I knew that we'd probably have a good time, and that no matter what the circumstances we were put in, we would be able to laugh about it and make the most of it."
"It took a while to persuade me, I think. When it was first brought up, I didn't like the idea at all. Because when we used to do the series, I had no life, and I didn't want that experience again with three kids, two young ones.