As per the Comptroller and Auditor General report placed before the state Assembly on Tuesday, the Gujarat government run project was divided into two separate projects. The first one is the Dandi Heritage Corridor Project and the second is the Dandi Destination Development Project.
In March 2008, the central government had sanctioned a corridor project covering 21 destinations from Ahmedabad to Dandi in South Gujarat, where Mahatma Gandhi broke the salt law of the colonial British empire, the CAG audit report on TCGL tabled said.
In November 2011, these works were completed by the contractor at a cost of Rs 11.84 crore, the CAG report stated.
However, when CAG did a physical inspection, it was found these facilities to be "unfit" for use.
"We observed that even two years after being completed, these buildings were not furnished and neither water connection nor electricity supply were provided, making them unfit for use. Some of the buildings were already showing signs of deterioration with broken glass and soiled paint," the CAG report stated.