The event, held on the eve of Holi festival every year in March, will be extended from next year following an appeal made by Dangi kings to facilitate the tribals to buy and sell their products and participate enthusiastically in various music and dance programmes, Dang District Collector Jayprakash Shivhare said.
The five tribal 'kings' of Dang - Karansinh Yashwantrao Pawar of Gadhvi, Tapanrao Anandrao of Daher, Trikamrao Anandrao Pawar of Pimpri, Dhanrajsinh Chandrasinh Suryavanshi of Vasurna and Bhavansinh Hasusinh of Amla-Linga - said extending the festival will not only help in generating good business for the tribal people, but will also help the tourists in exploring more of the tribal culture.
During the festival, Gujarat Governor gave 'political pension' to the Dangi kings.
Shivhare said the government honours the tradition of granting pension that began during the British rule.
Meanwhile, a large number of tourists and local people attended the three-day event to watch the musical and dance performances presented by the local tribal communities.