The 26-year-old actor first hit the bottle to help him deal with the fame and fortune he got from the "Harry Potter" franchise, which he had starred in from the age of 11, but he decided he had no option but to ditch the booze and turn his life around otherwise he would risk destroying his career for ever, reported Female First.
"There are moments when you go, 'Oh, I can't do this. I have too much to lose. I don't want to screw this up ... I still smoke though: I still have vices."
"That's one of the things I find really hard about being here actually - it's very hard to say to somebody, 'Do you want to meet up for coffee?' Or 'Let's go out for dinner.'
"It's weird. They think you're asking for a date. But it's like, 'I just want to see you but not go to a place where we have to drink'.