Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Asgar Samoon, who has been appointed as the inquiry officer to probe the cause of the fire, today issued the notice inviting people to recored their statement within one week.
He will start recording statements about the incident from tomorrow.
"... Any individual or organisation having any information of any sort related to the incident, may record their statements in person on all working days within one week or convey relevant information through fax or email," the notice, published in today's local dailies, read.
The Divisional Commissioner has been appointed as the inquiry officer to ascertain the cause of the fire and the response of the agencies and departments concerned. He has also been tasked with making recommendations for safeguarding shrines, religious structures and heritage buildings.
The Dastageer Sahib shrine at Khanyar, constructed as a tribute to 11th century preacher Syed Abdul Qadir Geelani, was gutted in a fire incident on Monday, leading to violent protests in some parts of the city that left over 50 people including 11 policemen injured.
While ordering the inquiry to be completed within one week, authorities have also imposed restrictions on the movement of people in downtown city for four consecutive days till last Friday to maintain law and order.