The film, 'The End of the Tour', stars Jason Segel as Wallace and Jesse Eisenberg as David Lipsky, the reporter who wrote a book - 'Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself' - based on the five-day trip he took with Wallace during the author's publicity tour for Infinite Jest, reported Guardian online.
Images of Segel playing Wallace in the film have recently emerged, but Wallace's estate has now distanced itself emphatically from the adaptation.
"This motion picture is loosely based on transcripts from an interview David consented to 18 years ago for a magazine article about the publication of his novel, Infinite Jest. That article was never published and David would never have agreed that those saved transcripts could later be re-purposed as the basis of a movie.
"The trust was given no advance notice that this production was underway and, in fact, first heard of it when it was publicly announced. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no circumstance under which the David Foster Wallace Literary Trust would have consented to the adaptation of this interview into a motion picture, and we do not consider it an homage," they added.