The court, which dubbed the matter as "sensitive", also asked the Delhi Police to supply "deficient documents" including maps and photographs which were filed along with the charge sheet to accused Shiv Kumar Yadav's advocate.
"It is a sensitive matter and it would go on a day-to-day basis. Hence, accused's counsel should go through the documents quickly as no adjournment would be granted later," Metropolitan Magistrate Ajay Kumar Malik said while supplying a copy of the 149-page charge sheet to Yadav's counsel.
"Accused given ample time for scrutiny of documents along with his counsel. It has been submitted by the counsel for the accused that in the charge sheet supplied to the accused, 10 photographs and six maps have not been supplied to him.
"Investigating Officer is directed to supply deficient documents to the accused on the next date of hearing. Matter be listed for January 5," the court said, adding, that it will then order committal of the case to a sessions court.