The Delhi State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission also pulled up the DDA for the "callous and inapt attitude" of its officers for not making the flat habitable due to which the allottee had to reside in a rented house for the last 17 years.
"The defects which have been pointed out by complainant in the flat allotted to him are substantial and cannot be said to be minor or cosmetic. Obviously, by the action of the DDA, complainant could not take possession of the flat in question on account of the callous and inapt attitude of the officers of the DDA leading to complainant to reside in a rented house.
The commission also directed DDA to pay Rs three lakh as compensation to the allottee, Delhi resident Pramod Pal Singh.
Singh had said in his complaint that he had paid the entire amount of nearly four lakh for the flat in Rohini here through six separate instalments by 1996 and he was allotted the accommodation in February 1996.
DDA, in its defence, contended that the defects pointed out by the complainant in the flat allotted to him, have already been removed and it is the complainant who has not taken over the possession of the same.
The commission rejected the contention and said that during the proceedings, it had directed the DDA to make the house habitable, but no action was taken by the authority.