A bench of Justice Rajiv Shakdher sought the response from Delhi District Cricket Association (DDCA) within four weeks on a PIL, which has also sought a fair account of the complimentary tickets disbursed for IPL-7 matches here in 2014 and the mechanism opted for it.
During the proceedings, the association's counsel opposed the plea saying it was not maintainable. The court listed the matter for May 22 for further hearing.
The petition, filed through advocates Subhiksh Vasudev and Ishaan Madaan, further said that DDCA is now scheduled to host five matches in Feroze Shah Kotla Grounds in IPL-8, which started today, for which the association was likely to receive complimentary tickets.
"Complimentary tickets worth over Rs 8 crore, received by the respondents (DDCA and other members) in 2014 as part of the consideration from GMR Sports Private Limited to host 5 IPL Cricket matches at Feroze Shah Kotla Grounds, have gone unaccounted for only for the conspiring respondents to gain political and economic gains and to sit atop the throne of cricketing control in Delhi/NCR," the plea alleged.
It said that for hosting IPL-8 matches in April-May, the respondents will again be receiving complimentary tickets of various denominations and in all likelihood would again use the same as per their own whims and without any formal framework for the disbursal of complimentary tickets.