A sequel to the successful 2016 superhero movie "Deadpool," which features Ryan Reynolds as the titular character, is currently being developed, and director David Leitch, who took over the role from the first movie's director Tim Miller, says he will not be making radical changes to the character, reported CinemaBlend.
"I think you have to pay homage to this movie that's so beloved. Everybody is anticipating it. And I think we have to find a way to make it distinctly our own, and we're doing that. The DNA of Deadpool shouldn't change. He's such a lovable character, we're going to carry that through," Leitch says.
And although the Australian star has ruled out making an appearance as the metal claw-bearing mutant in future movies after starring in his swansong "Logan", the writers believe there could be a possibility of twisting the plot to feature Jackman as himself.