One such case is Parul Gupta, a tennis player with hearing disability, who is on the verge of missing out the games.
"My daughter played eight nationals. She is playing tennis for the last ten years and her only aim is to represent country in an international event, but now it is shattered. She has decided not to play in future," Avinash Gupta, Parul's father said here.
Sixteen-year-old Parul, who is deaf by birth, had won a silver medal in under-17 events of School Games Federation of India (SGFI) in 2012. At the National Deaf Games earlier this year, she got first position in the competition.
As per the entries for tennis, SAI was supposed to send four men and and an equal number of women for the doubles and mixed team events besides the singles' competition. But now only four players, including two men and two women have been finalised.
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"I made best of efforts to convince SAI about my daughter's participation, but of no avail," he said.
Initially SAI had to send a contingent of over 50 athletes in eight different disciplines for the games but during the final selection, the list was pruned to 21 members, including seven of the coaching staff, reducing the players number to just 14.
After parents of the athletes objected to the last minute pruning, SAI claimed that it was done due to "non approval of budget" for the players.